Home Sectors and Departments
Sectors and Departments
Sector for law normative work, informing and services, informatics support and common works

The Sector for law normative work, informing and services, informatics support and common works accomplishes the following work:

  • Preparing acts for the Council and the Mayor;
  • Preparing the Council assemblies and the assemblies of his commissions and other working bodies;
  • Does the professional work for the Council and the Mayor;
  • Deals with the documents of the Municipality and conserves them till their destroying, i.e. handing-over to the State archive of Republic of Macedonia;
  • Does the informatics-technical work;
  • Takes care for the technical and functional maintenance of the administrative rooms.
Department for legal normative work, public supply and support of the Mayor and the Council

The Department for legal normative work, public supply and support of the Mayor and the Council accomplishes the following work:

  • Prepares acts for the Council and the Mayor;
  • Prepares the Council assemblies and the assemblies of his commission and other working bodies and participates in their work;
  • Does the professional work for the Council and the Mayor;
  • Hands-over information and data related with the activities of the Council, the commissions and other working bodies on the basis of the law;
  • Makes acts for the needs of the Municipality organs;
  • Represents the Municipality in front of the courts, the other state organs and juridical individuals;
  • Realizes acts for public supplies;
  • Does the computer elaboration of the materials for the Council assemblies, the commissions and other working bodies of the Municipality Council;
  • Does other work that will be put in their authority.
Department for citizen’s service and informing

Department for citizen’s service and informing accomplishes the following work:

  • Reception of all the citizens who ask for favor or information from the authoritative of the Municipality;
  • Directly-orally informing or directing the citizens to the appropriate place of their request;
  • Helping the citizens in the complementing of the requests for the appropriate service or information;
  • Identification/storage of the request in cooperation with the archive;
  • Following the flow of accomplishing the items who are handed down for accomplishment in the last office and informing the citizens about the flow and the dead line when the citizens will receive the service or the information;
  • Cooperation with the departments in the municipal administration, for effectively and in time favor and informing of the citizens, through a constant communication of the employees in the municipal Center for services of the citizens as a front Desk with the executive of the item in the appropriate department as a last office;
  • Participates in solving the problems of the Community subjects;
  • Does other work which will be put in his authority.
Department for informatics support

Department for informatics support accomplishes the following work:

  • Maintenance of the operative system, management with the data base system and the applicative system;
  • Realizes security measures and protection of the informative system in the municipality;
  • Realizes act for protection of the data transfer;
  • Connects new users of the computer-communicational net;
  • Installs, controls and maintains equipment;
  • Secures reserve parts and technical documentation;
  • Prepares documentation for the data base;
  • Executes surveillance and maintenance of the data base;
  • Realizes acts for protection and reconstruction of the data base;
  • Helps the users of the informative system in the work with the data base;
  • Does other work which will be put in its authority.
Department for common work

Department for common work accomplishes the following work:

  • Deals with the documents of the Municipality and conserves them till their destroying, i.e. handing-over to the State archive of Republic of Macedonia;
  • Does mail acceptance and other written materials, leads record keeper individually for all the sectors in electronic and printed form;
  • Does the supply of the spent material and small inventory;
  • Does the professional, administrative-technical and accounting financial work of the organs of the self-government;
  • Does the preparing, sorting-out, duplicating and copying of the materials for the Council assemblies and the commissions of the Municipality Council;
  • Takes care for the technical and functional maintenance of the building of the local self-government;
  • Hands over all the written materials to the members of the council and the other legal and physical individuals;
  • Does maintenance and servicing of the fleet;
  • Does other work that will be put in his authority.

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Sector for finance questions

Sector for finance questions accomplishes the work related with:

  • Following and usage of the laws and under-law acts from the area of the budget and material-finance working;
  • Administration , following and control of the condition  and the motion of the means and sources of the municipality confirmed with the budget;
  • Preparing, performance and information for making the budget of the municipality;
  • Preparing of the strategic plan of the Municipality;
  • Change and fulfilling the budget and the strategic plan of the municipality;
  • Control of the preparation and accomplishing the budget;
  • Operates ex-ante and ex-post financial control;
  • Making financial plan for accomplishing the budget (monthly, quarter and annual) of the municipality, the organs in the structure and the units users of the municipal budget;
  • Following of the accomplishing of the taxes and accomplishing the expenses of the municipality;
  • Accountancy identification for accomplishing the budget and preparing the annual account;
  • Preparing annual financial report according to the Law for public inner control;
  • Preparing, accepting, liquidation and control of the accountancy documentation;
  • Calculation and salary remuneration of the employees in the municipality;
  • Confirmation and payment of the taxes, rates and allowances of the municipality;
  • Other work on the basis of the Law for budgets, Law for financing the units of the local self-government; Law for public inner financial control, Law for property taxes, Law for communal taxes and other laws and regulations who arrange the sources of the municipal taxes;
  • Does other work from the area of the financial administration and control.
Department for budget coordination and control, coordination and control of public supplies

Department for budget coordination and control, coordination and control of public supplies accomplishes the following work:

  • Preparing the municipal budget and its changing and its supplementing;
  • Preparing of the strategic plan of the municipality, its changing and supplementing;
  • Following on the accomplishing of the municipal budget;
  • Preparing information and reports for accomplishing the budget;
  • Following and usage of the law regulative from the area of the budget working;
  • Making annual, quarter and monthly financial plans for the municipal budget and his organs and its individual users according to the law regulations;
  • Give opinion on the suggestion acts which are prepared by the other organizational units in the municipality and the suggestion acts of other subjects which have or can have financial implications for the budget of the municipality;
  • Preparing report of the realized programs, projects and agreements, according with the Law for inner financial control;
  • Preparing report for the activities of establishment and development of the financial control and administration, according to the Law for public inner financial control;
  • Following and usage of the law regulative (laws, under-law acts, regulations, standards, directions) from the area of the financial control;
  • Preparing proceedings and reports for the made controls;
  • Doing evaluation on the risk of the processes of financial administration and control;
  • Doing self-evaluations to a divided processes of the system of financial administration and control, on the basis of a made evaluation on the risk and preparing a report on the made self-evaluations, according to the Law for public inner financial control;
  • Mathematic, formal and control of the regularity on the accountancy documentation before the payment on the basis of prepared check lists;
  • Total control accountancy documentation after the payment;
  • Checking the accuracy of the factors delivered on the basis of the made contracts for supply and their adjusting with the production order and other orders;
  • Control of the order form for orders to the appropriate suppliers according to the made contracts for supplies and following the realization of the orders.
Department for accountancy and payment

Department for accountancy and payment accomplishes the following work:

  • Following and usage of the law regulative from the area of the accountancy, material and financial work;
  • Every day management of the booking office works and counting house;
  • Statement of account and payment for the employees;
  • Preparing the final account and periodical reports for accomplishing the municipal budget;
  • Preparing the basic financial reports ( balance of the condition, balance of the incomes and the outcomes, consolidated balance sheet of the capital property, balance of the debts and notes towards the financial reports;
  • Accounting identification of the commitments and the basic means of the municipality;
  • Payment after the accountancy documentation;
  • Preparing the report for the planned and spent means after the subjects (comparing table display) according with the Law for public inner financial control.
Department for tax administration

Department for tax administration accomplishes the following work:

  • Confirmation of the contributions, taxes and reimbursements which are income of the municipality;
  • Confirmation of the tax payment to a gift and property heritage;
  • Confirmation of the market value of the real estates in  the municipality;
  • Keeping register to a private property;
  • Finding solutions of the tax liberation;
  • Other work based on the Law for taxes, Law for communal taxes and reimbursements and other laws and regulations which need to arrange the sources of the incomes to the municipality.

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Sector for urbanism, communal activities and life environment protection

Sector for urbanism, communal activities and life environment protection accomplishes the following work:

  • Space and urban planning, publishing approvals for construction ( for buildings from third, fourth and fifth category) of objects of local meaning confirmed with the law, space arranging and constructional area arranging;
  • Life environment protection, measures for protection and saving the water, air and land contamination;
  • Following the communal housing activity confirmed with law;
  • Other work which will be put in duty with an act to the Council and the Mayor.
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