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По поднесено барање на даночниот обврзник, Градоначалникот може да го одложи извршувањето на Решението, односно да дозволи одложено плаќање на обврските или плаќање на рати до донесување решение по жалба, под услов ако даночниот обврзник приложи банкарска гаранција, ако уплати готовински депозит или обезбеди друг инструмент за осигурување на плаќањето.
Одложеното даночно плаќање се однесува на даночна обврска поголема од 10,000.00 денари.
Плаќањето на даночната обврска може да се одобри на 12 месечни рати. |
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Center for Citizen Service - counter no.5
At the request of the person a card is issued for paying duties and all types of taxes.
The deadline for publication of the act - immediately. |
Department for tax administration accomplishes the following work:
- Confirmation of the contributions, taxes and reimbursements which are income of the municipality;
- Confirmation of the tax payment to a gift and property heritage;
- Confirmation of the market value of the real estates in the municipality;
- Keeping register to a private property;
- Finding solutions of the tax liberation;
- Other work based on the Law for taxes, Law for communal taxes and reimbursements and other laws and regulations which need to arrange the sources of the incomes to the municipality.
Office for archive working
People complete an Application for repayment of overpaid or wrongly paid debt (final form by the municipality) with:
- Proof of payment (original payment PP-50),
- Transactional account which should return the funds.
The deadline for adoption of the Act is 30 days after the receipt of complete documentation. |
Office for archive working
A Request is completed for postponement of execution (final form by the municipality) with:
- Bank guarantee or,
- Proof of payment of a cash deposit to a separate deposit account or
- Another document to ensure the payment.
The deadline for adoption of the Act is 15 days after submission of the complete documentation. |
Center for Citizen Service - counter no.4 and 5
Based on the issued decision with which the person is obliged to tax, at the request of a party there is a payment issued.
The deadline of issuing - immediately. |
Center for Citizen Service - counter no.1
People appeal on the basis of specific borrowing on the basis of income with:
- Decision on tax,
- Proof-a document depending on the subject of the related complaints.
The deadline for adoption of the Act is 30 days after receipt of complete documentation. |
Center for Citizen Service - counter no.1
People complete an application for a certificate of the condition of the property to the taxpayer with tax property (completed form by the municipality) with:
1. Proof of paid 100 denars on the name of the administrative tax.
The deadline for adoption of the Act is 5 days after the receipt of the complete documentation. |
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