Home Sectors and Departments Sector for education, public activities and local economic development
Sector for education, public activities and local economic development

Sector for education, public activities and local economic development accomplishes the following work:

  • Follows the legal and sub-legal acts from the authority area and the same ones are used;
  • Accomplishing decisions and other precise acts from the Council and the Mayor’s authority, from the area of the economic development, the market, handicraft, tourism and catering service;
  • Makes plans for the local economic development;
  • Initiates confirmation of developmental and structural priorities, bases and measures for leading the economic politics of the municipality;
  • Initiates and develops regional and inter-border cooperation;
  • Participates in the coordination and leadership of the international projects;
  • Enables support conditions for the development of the small and the middle corporations, entrepreneurship, agriculture and agriculture stock exchange;
  • Follows the accomplishing of the plans and suggests measures for their accomplishing;
  • Secures documentation data base for the needs of the planning and programming of the economic development;
  • Making data base for the needs of the municipality;
  • Follows the activities of the non-governmental organizations, initiates and coordinates cooperation with them;
  • Has evidence, register, acceptance and processing the applications and blank forms predicted with law;
  • Follows the regulations and their changing and completion;
  • Makes analysis on the condition and gives initiatives and suggestions on her improving;
  • Does other work which will be put in its authority with the act of the Council or the Mayor of the Municipality.

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