Home Sectors and Departments
Sectors and Departments
Department for urbanism, construction, housing work and life environment protection

Department for urbanism, construction, housing work and life environment protection accomplishes the following work:

  • Space arranging;
  • Conveying plan documentation;
  • Professional following of the realization degree of the urban plans and instigating initiatives for their changing and supplementation;
  • Renting location conditions and approvals for object constructing from local meaning confirmed by law;
  • Follows and plans the needs for housing on the area of Municipality Stip, according the Housing law;
  • Suggests an annual program and undertakes measures and activities for their realization, according with the Housing law;
  • Brings measures for stopping the life and space environment contamination;
  • Leads an act for publishing integrated licenses and putting through the laws from the life environment area;
  • Does other work which will be confided to its authority.
Department for constructional area arranging, regulation and geodetic work

Department for constructional area arranging, regulation and geodetic work accomplishes the following work:

  • Makes annual programs for arranging the constructional area;
  • Prepares data for the tender documentation for arranging the constructional area;
  • Controls over the constructional work when arranging the land;
  • Leads the act for securing the needed approvals for arranging the constructional area;
  • Does the preparing work for accomplishing projects for arranging the constructional area;
  • Leads the work around checking the constructional area from geological and technical aspect;
  • Takes care for the realization of the program for arranging the constructional area;
  • Calculation for the payment of the communal reimbursement for building objects;
  • Does other work which will be confident in his authority.
Department for communal activities

Department for communal activities is following the conditions which refer to:

  • Supplying with drinking water;
  • Conducting away the waste and atmosphere water;
  • Maintenance of the public cleanliness;
  • Arranging, maintenance and usage of the parks, the greenery, park-forests and recreational areas;
  • Maintenance of the burial ground and providing burial services;
  • Maintenance of the public illumination;
  • Doing chimney services;
  • Maintenance of the market usage;
  • Maintenance of the street traffic signalization and other traffic infrastructure objects;
  • Maintenance and usage of the public parking space;
  • Elimination and keeping irregularly parked vehicles;
  • City public, suburban and auto-taxi transport;
  • Disinfection, disinfestations;
  • Maintenance of the public sanitized ties;
  • Does other work which will be confided in its authority.

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Sector for education, public activities and local economic development

Sector for education, public activities and local economic development accomplishes the following work:

  • Follows the legal and sub-legal acts from the authority area and the same ones are used;
  • Accomplishing decisions and other precise acts from the Council and the Mayor’s authority, from the area of the economic development, the market, handicraft, tourism and catering service;
  • Makes plans for the local economic development;
  • Initiates confirmation of developmental and structural priorities, bases and measures for leading the economic politics of the municipality;
  • Initiates and develops regional and inter-border cooperation;
  • Participates in the coordination and leadership of the international projects;
  • Enables support conditions for the development of the small and the middle corporations, entrepreneurship, agriculture and agriculture stock exchange;
  • Follows the accomplishing of the plans and suggests measures for their accomplishing;
  • Secures documentation data base for the needs of the planning and programming of the economic development;
  • Making data base for the needs of the municipality;
  • Follows the activities of the non-governmental organizations, initiates and coordinates cooperation with them;
  • Has evidence, register, acceptance and processing the applications and blank forms predicted with law;
  • Follows the regulations and their changing and completion;
  • Makes analysis on the condition and gives initiatives and suggestions on her improving;
  • Does other work which will be put in its authority with the act of the Council or the Mayor of the Municipality.
Department for education and public activities

Department for education and public activities accomplishes the following work:

  • Follows the law and sub-law acts from the authoritative area and accepts them;
  • Makes general and single acts from the authority of the Council of the Municipality and the Mayor from the area of education, culture, social, child and health protection according to a law;
  • Follows the conditions in the area of the education- primary school and high school, foundation, financing and administrating the same ones in cooperation with the central authority;
  • Institutional and financial support of the cultural institutions, nursing of the folklore, the customs, old professions and similar cultural values;
  • Organizes cultural manifestations, instigation of the cultural creativity;
  • Development of the  mass sport, recreation and student sport;
  • Organizes sport shows and manifestations, support of the contest system, school and student sport;
  • Realizes activities from the area of the health education, health promotion, preventive activities, surveillance over the contagious diseases;
  • Realizes activities from the area of the social protection and children protection;
  • Does other work which will be put in its authority with the act of the Council or the Mayor of the Municipality.
Department for economics

Department for economics accomplishes the following work:

  • Making plans for the local economic development;
  • Accomplishing decisions and other general and precise acts from the authority of the Council and the Mayor, from the area of the economic development;
  • Follows the legal and sub-legal acts from the area of the market, the handicraft, the tourism  and the catering service and the same ones will be used;
  • Initiates confirmation of the developmental and structural priorities, and bases and measures for leading the local economic politics of the municipality;
  • Creates conditions for support of the development of the small and middle corporations;
  • Follows the accomplishing of the plans and suggest measures for their removal;
  • Secures documentation data base for the needs of the planning of the economic development;
  • Making data base for the needs of the municipality;
  • Follows the activities of the non-governmental organizations, initiates and coordinates cooperation with them;
  • Follows the condition, suggests measures for their promotion;
  • Does other work which will be put in its authority with the act of the Council or the Mayor of the municipality.
Department for international cooperation

Department for international cooperation accomplishes the following work:

  • Making plans for the regional and inter-border cooperation;
  • Initiates and develops regional, inter-border and international cooperation;
  • Participates in the coordination and leadership of the international projects;
  • Making decisions and other general and precise acts from the authority of the Council and the Mayor, from the Area of the International cooperation;
  • Follows the legal and sub-legal acts from the area of the market, handicraft, tourism and catering service and accepts the same ones;
  • Initiates confirmation of developmental and structural priorities;
  • Secures documentation data base for the needs of the planning and the programming of the international cooperation;
  • Making data base for the needs of the municipality;
  • Follows the activities of the non-governmental organizations, initiates and coordinates cooperation with them;
  • Follows the condition, suggests measures for her promotion;
  • Does other work which will be put in its authority with the act of the Council or the Mayor of the municipality.
Department for rural development

Department for rural development accomplishes the following work:

  • Making plans for the local rural development;
  • Preparing decisions and other general and precise acts from the authorities of the Council and the Mayor, from the area of the rural development;
  • Initiates confirmation of developmental and structural  priorities, and basic measures for the leadership of the local rural politics of the municipality;
  • Enables conditions for support of the entrepreneurship in the agriculture, farming, forestry, water supply and development of the local agro stock exchange;
  • Follows the accomplishing of the plans and suggests measures for their accomplishing;
  • Secures documentation data base for the needs of the planning of the rural development;
  • Making data base for the needs of the municipality from this area;
  • Follows the activities of the non-governmental organizations, initiates and coordinates cooperation with them;
  • Does other work which will be put in its authority.

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Sector for inspectional work

Sector for inspectional work accomplishes the following work:

  • Inspectional surveillance on the area of the  usage of the Law for building, Law for space and urban planning, Law for housing, detail urban plans brought from the Council of the municipality and the General urban plan of the Municipality Stip;
  • Inspectional surveillance of the usage of the Law for public roads, Law for transport in the traffic and other regulations which regulate this area;
  • Inspection surveillance according to the law regulative from the area of life environment protection and the nature of the quality of the area ambience, the space planning and the regulations which regulate this area;
  • Inspection surveillance in the education and the public activities;
  • Does other work which will put in their authority.
Department for constructional, urban and traffic surveillance

Department for constructional, urban and traffic surveillance accomplishes the following work:

  • Inspection surveillance from the area of using the Law for construction in the part of the municipal authority;
  • Inspection surveillance over buildings from third, fourth and fifth category confirmed by law;
  • Authorized constructional inspector is a professional individual who is independent in the doing of the inspectional surveillance;
  • Direct inspectional surveillance according with the Law for area and urban planning and other regulations which regulate this area, and are from municipal authority;
  • Prepares acts and other materials, suggestions to the mayor and the Council of the Municipality;
  • Insight in the documentation from the act for bringing the urban plans;
  • Insight for the way of keeping the urban plans and carted foundations;
  • Surveillance over the decision inserting of the Council;
  • Direct inspectional surveillance over the usage on the acts of the Law for public roads, Law for transport in the traffic and the acts brought on the basis of this law which refer to the municipal transport of passengers, auto-taxi, passenger transport and the special line transport of passengers which is accomplished on the area of the municipality;
  • Surveillance on other acts inserting which refer to this area;
  • Administers act, brings solutions and submits applications for instigation of the violated act in front of the authorized court;
  • Does other work which will be in his confidence;
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