Home Sectors and Departments Department for constructional, urban and traffic surveillance
Department for constructional, urban and traffic surveillance

Department for constructional, urban and traffic surveillance accomplishes the following work:

  • Inspection surveillance from the area of using the Law for construction in the part of the municipal authority;
  • Inspection surveillance over buildings from third, fourth and fifth category confirmed by law;
  • Authorized constructional inspector is a professional individual who is independent in the doing of the inspectional surveillance;
  • Direct inspectional surveillance according with the Law for area and urban planning and other regulations which regulate this area, and are from municipal authority;
  • Prepares acts and other materials, suggestions to the mayor and the Council of the Municipality;
  • Insight in the documentation from the act for bringing the urban plans;
  • Insight for the way of keeping the urban plans and carted foundations;
  • Surveillance over the decision inserting of the Council;
  • Direct inspectional surveillance over the usage on the acts of the Law for public roads, Law for transport in the traffic and the acts brought on the basis of this law which refer to the municipal transport of passengers, auto-taxi, passenger transport and the special line transport of passengers which is accomplished on the area of the municipality;
  • Surveillance on other acts inserting which refer to this area;
  • Administers act, brings solutions and submits applications for instigation of the violated act in front of the authorized court;
  • Does other work which will be in his confidence;

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