Sector for finance questions accomplishes the work related with:
- Following and usage of the laws and under-law acts from the area of the budget and material-finance working;
- Administration , following and control of the condition and the motion of the means and sources of the municipality confirmed with the budget;
- Preparing, performance and information for making the budget of the municipality;
- Preparing of the strategic plan of the Municipality;
- Change and fulfilling the budget and the strategic plan of the municipality;
- Control of the preparation and accomplishing the budget;
- Operates ex-ante and ex-post financial control;
- Making financial plan for accomplishing the budget (monthly, quarter and annual) of the municipality, the organs in the structure and the units users of the municipal budget;
- Following of the accomplishing of the taxes and accomplishing the expenses of the municipality;
- Accountancy identification for accomplishing the budget and preparing the annual account;
- Preparing annual financial report according to the Law for public inner control;
- Preparing, accepting, liquidation and control of the accountancy documentation;
- Calculation and salary remuneration of the employees in the municipality;
- Confirmation and payment of the taxes, rates and allowances of the municipality;
- Other work on the basis of the Law for budgets, Law for financing the units of the local self-government; Law for public inner financial control, Law for property taxes, Law for communal taxes and other laws and regulations who arrange the sources of the municipal taxes;
- Does other work from the area of the financial administration and control.