Home Sectors and Departments Department for budget coordination and control, coordination and control of public supplies
Department for budget coordination and control, coordination and control of public supplies

Department for budget coordination and control, coordination and control of public supplies accomplishes the following work:

  • Preparing the municipal budget and its changing and its supplementing;
  • Preparing of the strategic plan of the municipality, its changing and supplementing;
  • Following on the accomplishing of the municipal budget;
  • Preparing information and reports for accomplishing the budget;
  • Following and usage of the law regulative from the area of the budget working;
  • Making annual, quarter and monthly financial plans for the municipal budget and his organs and its individual users according to the law regulations;
  • Give opinion on the suggestion acts which are prepared by the other organizational units in the municipality and the suggestion acts of other subjects which have or can have financial implications for the budget of the municipality;
  • Preparing report of the realized programs, projects and agreements, according with the Law for inner financial control;
  • Preparing report for the activities of establishment and development of the financial control and administration, according to the Law for public inner financial control;
  • Following and usage of the law regulative (laws, under-law acts, regulations, standards, directions) from the area of the financial control;
  • Preparing proceedings and reports for the made controls;
  • Doing evaluation on the risk of the processes of financial administration and control;
  • Doing self-evaluations to a divided processes of the system of financial administration and control, on the basis of a made evaluation on the risk and preparing a report on the made self-evaluations, according to the Law for public inner financial control;
  • Mathematic, formal and control of the regularity on the accountancy documentation before the payment on the basis of prepared check lists;
  • Total control accountancy documentation after the payment;
  • Checking the accuracy of the factors delivered on the basis of the made contracts for supply and their adjusting with the production order and other orders;
  • Control of the order form for orders to the appropriate suppliers according to the made contracts for supplies and following the realization of the orders.

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