1. Connecting an object of a legal and individual persons to the main network of EVN Macedonia is done on the basis of a decision for compliance for connecting issued by EVN Macedonia.
  1. Consent for power connection of EVN Macedonia is required when:
  • Construction of a new object that is connected to the power grid,
  • Increasing of the approved maximum concurrent user capacity of the power grid,
  • Alteration or reconstruction of the plug at the request of the user to the mains,
  • Change of the technical characteristics of the devices on the power grid users who have expressed a retroactive impact on the power grid,
  • Unification of multiple measuring points in one measuring point, and
  • Division of the measuring point to a number of measuring points.
  1. The request for consent shall be submitted to the joining user energy centers of EVN Macedonia in writing on a form BSP – 1 which can be obtained free of charge in user energy centers of EVN Macedonia where it is located on the user object.
  1. EVN Macedonia has to incorporate objects of legal and individual persons who:
  1. oHave obtained approval for connection to the power grid,
  2. oArbitrarily connected against the network rules for power distribution and decision on approval for connection to the distribution network
  1. Unauthorized connected legal and individual persons shall be excluded from the network of EVN Macedonia and against them would be criminal charges for theft of electricity.
  1. EVN Macedonia is obliged to issue the Decision for compliance for connection to the mains the applicant which contains specifications and detailed costing for performance and cost plug for connection to the system (put under voltage).
  1. The deadline to issue a Decision for compliance for connecting to 15 days for a standard connection and 60 days for non-standard port under network rules for distribution of electricity from the date of filing the application for connection.
  1. EVN Macedonia will reject the connection if:      
  • There are technical conditions for the establishment of the distribution system according to the request of the user,
  • The connection of the user to the power grid, according to the data contained in the user’s application may cause harm to the security of supply to other consumers.
  • The applicant has unpaid obligations to EVN Macedonia.

9. The unsatisfied party has the right to appeal against the decision to refuse the request for consent to join the EVN Macedonia Regulatory Commission within 15 days of receipt.

  1. Depending on the location, the distance of the connection and the maximum simultaneous output object of a consumer standard and non-standard connector.

-      А. Standard connection is a low voltage socjet whose maximum simultaneous power plug is less than or equal to 40 kW, where:

-         the object that is connected is located in an area which is covered by the detailed urban plan (DUP), or

-         the object is not located on the area that is covered with DUP, but the distance of the object of the user to the place of connection to the distributive system where technically the connection is less than or equal to 30 meters.

-      B. Non standard connection is any connection that is of a medium or low voltage connector whose maximum simultaneous power plug is:

-         greater than 40 kW and the measurement is by measuring transformers, or

-         less or equal to 40 kW, while the facility is not located in an area which is covered by the DUP, but the distance of the object of the user is to place the connection to the distributive system where it is technically possible to make joining more than 30 meters.

The criteria and the conditions for standard and non-standard ports are given in the chart below:

Voltage level of connection

Low voltage

0,4 kW

middle voltage

6 kW, 10 kW,     20 kW and 35 kW

Maximum simultaneous power

≤ 40 kW

> 40 kW

> 0 kW

Distance of the object from the point of connection

≤ 30 m

> 30 m

> 0 m

> 0 m

The object is covered with DUP



Non standard

Non Standard

The object is not covered with DUP


Non standard

Non standard

Non Standard


  1. The person seeking power connection of the network of EVN Macedonia is obliged to bear the costs of connection according to the Law on energy and Grid code for distribution of electricity.
  2. For standard connection, the applicants pay averaged voltage plug connectors standard based on the price list set by EVN Macedonia. For standard connections, EVN Macedonia issues a decision for connecting in attachment which contains the costs for connection.
  3. For non standard connection, the applicants pay the connection fee pursuant detailed costing for connection included in addition to the decision on approval for connection to the distribution system.
  4. After the issuance of the compliance to join and reimbursement of costs attached, EVN Macedonia is obliged to perform the plug and connect the consumer to the distribution system. The person requesting the connection to the power grid has the right to choose the company from the list of authorized builders of EVN Macedonia to build the connection. The authorized builders are chosen by EVN Macedonia and are elected by a public tender under the Public Procurement Act.
  5. EVN Macedonia at its own expense shall incorporate a measuring device fr those seeking connection to the power grid, the cost of installation, maintenance and replacement of faulty measuring devices shall be borne by EVN Macedonia, The measuring devices that are incorporated by the company’s own costs are owned by EVN Macedonia.
  6. After the performance of the connection of EVN Macedonia an internal technical acceptance of plug is made and obtains an approval for use of the facility by the authorities.
  7. After the issuing of the authorization to use the plug from the competent authorities, EVN Macedonia has put voltage facility of the person required power connection for the connection applicant must submit an application for putting up EVN Macedonia Form BSN – 1 in writing, which may be obtained without charge in user energy centers of EVN Macedonia or to take electronically from our website www.evn.com.mk.
  8. The deadline for putting the object of the connection is 15 days from the date of filing of the application.

19.The person that requested power connection is requestred to sign a contract for the supply of electricity to EVN Macedonia.



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