Home Communal work License for making municipal line transport for people
License for making municipal line transport for people

Municipal Service Center - desk number 2

For getting a license it’s needed to be delivered:

Request (made blank form from the municipality) with:

- name, place, parent number and tax number of the carrier, the bearer of the application, if the bearer is a juridical person;

- name and surname, one-of-a-kind  parent number, tax number and address of the carrier, bearer of the application, if the bearer is a physical person;

- kind of transport for which a license is needed;

- data for the motor and included vehicles with which the transport will be made and which need a certificate from the license;

Towards the request are also subscribed:

  1. Decision from the Central register, with an activity- a municipal line transport of passengers and goods in the road traffic not older than 60 days,
  2. Decision for possession of one or more vehicles with at least16+1 seats or a deal for leasing for the same ones,
  3. Copies from the registration document registered on the company certified by the notary or a copy from a deal for leasing,
  4. Confirmation for fulfilling of the special technical-exploitation characteristics of the vehicles,
  5. Copy of the act for possession of own capacity for parking and maintenance of the vehicles or an agreement certified by the notary for using of a capacity with a validity of at least 4 years,
  6. Copy of the blank forms M1 and M2 for the employed drivers and a confirmation from the Fund of pension and disablement insurance for paid contribution, not older than 90 days,
  7. Evidence from the authorized court that he doesn’t have  the force to judge for the criminal act against the property, the economy or the security in the public traffic, not older than 60 days,
  8. A copy from the certificate for professional competence of the administrator (except for single merchant),
  9. Evidence for paid 3000 denars on the name of the administrative taxes.
The duration of bringing the act is 30 days after the reception of the complete documentation.

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