Home Culture Cultural - historical treasure
Cultural - historical treasure

Cultural wealth of Stip is enormous. Stip has developed a network of cultural institutions that are important: NI Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum, where collections are kept and funds in the field of archeology, ethnology, history and art.

NI Library Goce Delcev, which today works by modern standards and with the largest scope of publishing activities. More than 20 years within the library works and literary club Iskra;

House of Youth includes cultural activities are interesting for youngsters. Astibo Jazz Festival;

NI Center for Culture Aco Shopov where as stem forms work: Children's Drama Studio and Art Studio. Within the center is successfully functioning the National Theater. The interest of tourists certainly will be attracted and the gallery of icons in the church of St. Bogorodica.

Stip is famous for Festival of fun melodies Makfest. 24 edition held in the organization of local self-government. Stip is known for Stip’s cultural summer.

Bezisten Art Gallery is a cultural monument which dates from the second half of the 16th century when he served as the main bazaar for the sale of luxury goods. Today is the most appropriate space for music concerts and art exhibitions.

Штип е познат и по бројни културни настани. Повеќе од две децении се одржува Штипско културно лето каде уметниците се претставуваат со книги, фотографии, уметнички слики, концерти и друго.

Од манифестациите што се одржуваат во НУ Центар за култура најрепрезентативен е Фестивалот на музика ,,Макфест” што во 2010 година ќе го одбележи својот 25 - годишен јубилеј. Од 2009-та година се одржува во организација на Општина Штип.


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