Home Culture Old city clock
Old city clock

saatOld city clock is monument of culture from 17-th century. It is under protection of the state. Citizens recognize city clock as “Begova kula” or Tower of the Beg.According some historical material, the clock was built by a Turkish ruler (beg) that lived in the city. But his name remained unknown.He built the clock tower in order to protect his family during crise situations. That is why on the top of the tower there was a gun-room and terrace. A century later, a clock mechanism was placed on the top of the tower. Part of the tower was destroyed in 1934. Some thinks that it was because of security reasons, some said, it was result of some disturbances caused by citizens’s revolt because the clock was too loud.According an old document by the clock keeper, the tower was built in 1650 and it is related with a legend. A Turkish beg was in love in beautiful girl Anka. He wanted to take her and made her a bride. The girl refused that, and managed to keep that way for a long time. She promised to marry him only if he left some monument valuable for the city. She suggested to build a clock tower. Anka tought that the Turkish beg will gave up, but because he was madly in love, for very short time he managed to construct the tower and married the beautiful Anka from Stip.


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