Foundation of the Local Economic and Social Council of municipality Shtip |
Based on the decision of the Council of Municipality adopted on the 1st of August 2012, on the 26th of December 2012 was signed a treaty about establishing a Local Economic Social Council between three parties: Municipality of Shtip, the Organization of employers of Macedonia and the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia-Union Office Shtip.
On the 5th of February 2013 in Shtip was held a constitutive conference of the Local Economic-Social Council.
The Local Economic-Social
Three parties participate in the Local Economic-Social Council of Municipality Shtip: three representatives come from the local self-government, the employers and the unions. From the unions two representatives come from the Federation of Unions of Macedonia and one from the Confederation of Free Trade Unions. The council also has members from the employment agencies, education, non-governmental organizations and other interesting groups.
We express a great thanks for the establishment and operation of LESC of Municipality Shtip, and we also express our gratitude to the non-governmental organization “USAID”, project “YES Network”.